Education Management - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Our MissionOur mission is to provide quality education services to anyone and any age group who walks in to our institute. Under the "EDUCONSERV INC" umbrella we have"Learning Solutions" focused on after school educational services for school going children K-12."ECSi College" focused on creating tailored course-ware for general public to meet the current trends of labor market. We provide certificate programs in the fields of Business Management, Technology and Soft Skills.Immigrant Services:With a mission is to foster the comprehensive development of the immigrant population in the Calgary region. Empowering immigrants and their children to become self-sufficient, productive and civically engaged by providing direct services, while promoting grassroots empowerment, civic engagement.To promote the well-being of Canadians and immigrants of any ethnic origins, and to encourage their full participation in community affairs in the spirit of multiculturalism. To assist in the settlement and blending of immigrants and people of different ethnic origin in Canada.We are an adult education center located in Calgary AB voice in three ways: provide free English classes to immigrant and refugee adults, educate the immigrants to fit into cultural economical and job readiness situations in Canada, and support research that demonstrates the economic and social benefits of immigration.We accomplish our mission by providing several improvement and bridging programs Language Services and Training. Computer skills and Employment skills Leadership and soft skills Financial Education- How to manage your finances Literacy and Numeracy Tutoring for Immigrant's childrenVisionInspired by the fact "Everyone is empowered to live their Canadian Dream". EDUCONSERV INC envisions a Canada where all communities thrive in solidarity and dignity, enjoy a prosperous life, and work towards fulfilling the dreams.