Higher Education - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Australia ranks highly in comparison to other nations in terms of its digital readiness, but the hard work is far from over. While Australia is already capturing the benefits of its investments in digital readiness through its strong economy and high quality of life, continued investment is essential to maintaining this standing in a globally competitive environment, and to ensure these benefits are experienced across Australian society. Critical to Australia's state of digital readiness is its ability to be both a smart creator and a smart consumer of technology.Investment in education and skills are critical to Australia retaining its world-leading position. However, the focus of investment in education should not just rely on applied research, or commercial research; the development of vocational education and digital skills is important to ensuring Australia maintains its human capital ranking and creates an appropriately educated and digital ready workforce.This is where Edutrek steps in.With years of experience in digitisation of infrastructure-application combo, Edutrek creates Information Technology specialists from both overseas and domestic learners, propels them into the exciting market of Australian digitisation.https://www.cisco.com/c/m/en_au/digital-readiness-index.html