Government Administration - Gurugram, Haryana, India
EduX is a powerful next-generation cloud-based student information system for the educational establishments.We provide the following features:MANAGE STUDENTSBy using eduX you are able to keep proper track of data related to students. Simplifying and streamlining all the tasks. Manage students sibling data for your future reference.ATTENDANCEEduX manages the day to day attendance of all the students very easily. This helps to minimize proxies and paperwork. Mark the student present or absent and generate a report of any duration and print it.FEES MANAGEMENTAn educational institution is increasingly moving towards an automated age of cloud, mobile, and big data analytics. Fee management solves many problems and helps parents to keep track of fee payments in real time. No more manual records or calculations on sheets of paper.SMS/EMAIL ALERTKeep the students and parents informed on fee payments, attendance, results, events with real-time notifications, messages and reminders via emails and SMS alerts. Send SMS and Email sections to send custom emails to any number of students at once.FEE DUE/SHORT ATTENDANCE NOTIFICATIONSManaging fee dues is always a critical task for any institute. EduX allows you to know all the students whose fees are due and let you notify them on just one click. Also, eduX allows notifying students whose attendance is below the 75% for the current month.DEMO/TRIAL CLASSESDemo/Trial classes are a great opportunity for students to know about the quality of education your institute offers. Few days trail classes ensure more converting rate.