Government - Washington, DC, US
The ElS Council addresses severe national- and global-scale hazards to lifeline infrastructures by coordinating national and international collaboration on resilience strategies and whole community response and recovery planning.Today's lifeline infrastructures are interconnected on unprecedented scales, with supply chains spanning nations and, increasingly, the world. This integration and reach has brought us remarkable capabilities.At a price. Concerns have grown over the potential for severe malicious or natural "Black Sky" hazards associated with subcontinent scale, long duration power outages, with cascading failure of all our other increasingly interdependent infrastructures. This creates a grim and difficult dilemma: restoration of any sector will only be possible with at least minimal operation of all the others. To deal with this deadlock, careful sector by sector and cross-sector resilience planning is crucial. The ElS Council hosts international summits and collaborative efforts, as well as unprecedented, interactive, all-sector, all-nation exercises. EIS Council has published a wide range of reports, studies, Black Sky Playbooks and other resources to inform, encourage and support resilience and response planning across the public and the private sectors.The annual EarthEX (Emergency All-sector Response Transnational Hazard Exercise) is run in two parallel tracks: one for individuals and families, and one for corporate entities. For more information:
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