Graphic Design - , ,
Milan based small and flexible company, provides skilled expertise from selected professionals in Graphic design, ADV Concept design, Web design & Information Architecture design.EKIDNA DESIGN BUREAU offers expertises from corporate design to digital projects, strongly concept driven.Concernig web, we propose a skilled graphic design background mixed to 12 years digital design experience; beside, we're talented in extremely user friendly information architectures design.Ekidna worked on/for: AiEP, Anomolo, Assconsult, Assonime Associazione delle Spa italiane, CCSI Camera del Commercio Svizzera in Italia, CGIL funzione pubblica Monza,, Galleria Cernaia (Gruppo cabassi), Galleria Cannaviello, Inforcamere, Moby lines, Ogilvy Interactive, RCS LIbri, Reply, Visconti Banqueting.Ekidna was founded together with Luigi De Aloisio ( in 1996, as a collective aimed to promote and develop italian experimental newmedia creativity to the world. Ekidna Project has been published on few international books ("New Masters of Flash" and "Reload Browser 2.0"), partecipated to few lectures and won the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterrean (cyber art, 1999). Project Ekidna split up in 2000. Since 2003, Domitilla Biondi founded EKIDNA DESIGN BUREAU.