Legal Services - , ,
At EKM, we are dedicated to providing a smarter way of protecting your intellectual property. We offer a personalised, aggregate approach to patent, design, trade mark, legal and business services to ensure that every aspect of your intellectual property needs are catered for and you are free to concentrate on the growth, development and expansion of your business. Founded in January 2004, EKM legal has grown into a successful law firm with a respected client base. August 2006 saw the establishment of EKM patent & trade marks, an associate firm of patent and trade marks attorneys. Our three practices, EKM patent & trade marks, EKM legal and EKM business fulfill your need for a specialist firm that can provide the quality of expertise in all facets of intellectual property and commercial law traditionally associated with large law and patent attorney firms, while remaining competitively priced. In many cases, our clients meet with representatives from each of our teams to ensure we have a sound understanding of our client's intellectual property and commercial objectives and to agree on a strategy for moving forward.