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We believe that we offer the most economical, efficient and effective study materials for the CFA® exams. To back up this claim, we offer you a 7-day free trial of our lecture videos, study guide readings and practice questions and give you a chance to experience the difference that we can make to your prep.We also offer you maximum flexibility in shopping for study materials to assist you in your exam prep. You can buy each individual chapter from our study guides, each individual lecture video and each set of practice questions on a standalone basis. You can also purchase products specific to the topic areas that you need help with.Help from our content experts and teaching assistants is easy to access though our moderated forum, where you have a chance to interact with fellow students and to seek help from our moderating team. Whether it be study strategies, prep schedules, tips for the actual exam or feedback on your progress, we are only a post away.Study materials for the CFA® exams have never been so thorough and comprehensive. Study plans have never afforded candidates so much flexibility. Discounts have never been accessible to so many and so easy to obtain. We are listening to what candidates have to say, and we are responding. Join us now, and allow us to partner you on your way to success on the CFA® Program. Dont count the days, make the days count!