Hospital & Health Care - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Our Vision:To be a leader in providing specialist support for wheelchair users and people with other disabilitiesOur Mission:Provision of high quality personalised support that empowers people with disabilities particularly wheelchair users and their families to discover possibilities and live an enriched life. Our Values:• Compassion• Integrity• Belief• EnrichmentElba is an endorsed Service Provider for the Disability Services Commission of WA, National Disability Insurance Agency, National Disability Insurance Scheme WA and the Insurance Commission of WA. Our Members have a wide range of disabilities with approximate half being wheelchair users who predominantly have a spinal cord injuries. We provide support services to enable our Members to live in their own homes with independence and dignity. Elba is able to assist individuals with a wide variety of disabilities, we also support their families to establish a personalised, innovative, flexible and sustainable service model that provides you with total control over decision making, how resources are used and above all choice.