Consumer Services - Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
ELICOM dispune de o infrastructura hardware si software perfect adaptata prestarii serviciilor de tip Call Center: canale de comunicatie (telefon, SMS, e-mail, chat, fax), centrala telefonica performanta (ACD,CTI, IVR), retea de calculatoare precum si resurse umane calificate (operatori si personal tehnic de specialitate) menite sa asigure o disponibilitate NON STOP a serviciului. Accesul la serviciile Call Center poate fi taxat la apelant (numere de apel cu tarif normal sau premium) sau la apelat (numere verzi). Experienta si dotarea tehnica, costurile competitive si pregatirea oamenilor recomanda ELICOM ca un partener strategic care sa asigure externalizarea serviciilor Call Center pentru companii din Europa si din lume. ELICOM asigura clientilor sai construirea si consolidarea de relatii profitabile cu partenerii si clientii in conditiile reducerii semnificative a costurilor.___________________________________________________________________________________ELICOM has the hardware and software infrastructure perfectly tailored to provide Call Center services: communication channels (phone, SMS, email, chat, fax), high performance PBX (ACD, CTI, IVR), IT network and qualified human resources (operators and specialized technical personnel) meant to ensure our 24/7 service availability. Access to our Call Center services can be paid by the caller (normal or premium call tariff) or by the respondent (toll free numbers). The experience and technical resources as well as the competitive prices and the qualifications of our personnel recommend ELICOM as the ideal strategic partner to outsource your Call Center services. ELICOM can guarantee the strengthening of profitable relationships with your customers as well as with your partners whilst significantly reducing your costs.
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