Automotive - , England, United Kingdom
Our snappy definition of Embed is... We are an embedded systems consultancy that focuses on real-time control systems using model-based design techniques to improve quality and productivity. In a more verbose format... We develop embedded systems quickly and to a very high quality. We do this by leveraging the power of modelling and simulation throughout the design cycle. We simulate the problem, discuss and agree the specifications with our clients, and generate rapid-prototypes to validate the designs. Then we rapidly port the solution to the intended target for our client. Our Quality Management System has been designed around model based design. We continually assess our development and life-cycle processes and strive to improve our quality and speed of development. To this end we sent our project manager team on an Automotive SPICE assessors course to continually ensure we are delivering our clients projects to the highest level of quality.
Route 53
Microsoft Office 365
Google Cloud Hosting