Higher Education - Denton, Texas, United States
The Emerald Eagle Scholars program provides access to higher education for academically talented students with high financial need, and connects them to campus resources while engaging them in activities that facilitate their intellectual engagement, academic success and, ultimately, the timely completion of their bachelor's degrees.This special program is founded on three principles:Financial support: The average cost of tuition and mandatory fees up to 15 credit hours per semester are paid for four consecutive years using a combination of the student's Federal Pell Grant award and state and UNT grants.Academic success: All Emerald Eagle Scholars must maintain a minimum UNT cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5, earn no less than full time student status each fall and spring term and ultimately graduate from UNT in four years.Campus connection: A variety of special events and intentional relationships characterize the richness of university life for Emerald Eagles.