Public Policy - West Hollywood, California, United States
Emerging Markets, Inc. is a double-bottom line economic development and business consulting firm. Our mission is to help the private sector expand and thrive, responsibly, in under-invested geographies. We focus primarily in the Greater Los Angeles area, particularly in its low-income communities. Our typical clients are financial institutions, broadly defined – banks, credit unions, foundations, corporations, investment funds, lending intermediaries, government agencies, and other regional entities seeking to more effectively place their capital, financial products and retail business services in low-income neighborhoods. However, in the process of this work we do much, much more.Founded in 2002, Emerging Markets, Inc. was formed as a result of extensive research and experience in urban economic development. Our firm's principals have documented community stakeholders and residents with the desire and willingness to integrate capital investments and private enterprise into their neighborhoods, but whose voices were unheard by large investors or company executives. Similarly, expanding sectors and social investors have begun to appreciate the profitability of investing in highly populated, underserved neighborhoods, but lacked grassroots connections to the areas.Emerging Markets, Inc. was formed to solve these problems by consulting with regional financial institutions and large corporations to customize and market products locally, as well as responsibly engage communities at the neighborhood level.