Consumer Electronics - , ,
The Emojiuana Kush Keyboard Consumer Engagement Platform gives brands an opportunity to use custom branded mobile engagement assets like: emoji, digital stickers, GIFs, photo frames, photo filters, chat and video to directly reach and engage millennials/ eager consumers in the places they spend the most time –mobile apps. Emojiuana will work directly with brands on compelling content and active, engaging marketing campaigns. Brands mobile engagement assets will be accurately tracked with measurable results through Emojiuana's one of a kind analytic platform used by some of the worlds top brands. The companies or individuals branded content will then have the opportunity to potentially reach one billion monthly active users worldwide right on their mobile devices. Contact us today to learn how you can market your brand like its 2016! & Download the APP FREE!! "Brands often talk about one-to-one communication, but the reality is that, unless we have only a few customers, having two-way conversations with all of them is not practical. Regardless of the challenges messaging seems to present, brands should definitely be paying attention to it. The first reason is numbers. Messaging is not only highly popular; it's also the fastest-growing social behavior online. Today, more than 2.5 billion people regularly use a messaging app, a number that will grow to 3.5 billion within 2 years." -Forbes, April 2016 "Digital technologies have not only created potent new social networks but also dramatically altered how culture works. Digital crowds now serve as very effective and prolific innovators of culture—a phenomenon I call crowdculture. Crowdculture changes the rules of branding—which techniques work and which do not." - Harvard Business Review, March 2016