Telecommunications - Saint-Priest, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
ENGEEM empowers network operators with the dream of a unique and true QoE value: Seeing beyond experience, thinking beyond quality, moving beyond revenue… Only working for human and operating for customers.At ENGEEM, we talk and think network as an engine to produce satisfaction to human, as intelligent functions to connect and broaden horizons, as experience engineering to provide the highest-level of quality subscribers can perceive, how they react and how operator interact into their lifecycle.We are driving Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement as a full-part and dedicated engineering to effectively attain what future high data rate communication technologies are expecting from operators toward customers today.We have changed the way service providers estimate quality of experience shifting them from inefficient traditional network or service-centric experience evaluation to perceived experience per user per service measurement. Our solution, NGEEN, uses advanced cognitive technologies to give consistent and transparent end-to-end customer experience metrics with built-in self-learning user's experience contributors features, from human, network and technical service delivery factors.We think, we design, we invent, we code and we implement with communication service operator innovative guidance and process to efficiently measure and ensure a true quality of experience per user, per service.
Google Tag Manager
Bootstrap Framework
Mobile Friendly