Education Management - Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
The College of Engineering at North Carolina State University (NCSU) will open a branch of their Youth Engineering Summer Program in Charlotte. Queens University of Charlotte has agreed to house the program Rogers Hall building. Engineering Camp has existed in Raleigh since 1999. Known locally as Engineering Camp Charlotte, the day camp will be open to kids in rising grades 3-8 and will run four separate weeks in July. Each week, kids will engage in at least 10 engineering design challenges that relate to multiple fields of engineering. Every year, NCSU changes the curriculum, so no experience is ever the same. Each week the day camp will run Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Children will be grouped by age. Tuition is $350 per week and includes everything, even lunch. There is significant demand for this program, (last year NCSU received 2,200 applications for 1,084 spots). Interested families are asked to complete an application for admission. The online application requires that students write a paragraph explaining why they want to attend the program and parents write a paragraph explaining why their child would benefit from the program. The application process for Engineering Camp Charlotte opens on January 6, 2014 and ends on March 7, 2014. Summer job opportunities will also be available for classroom teachers, college students, and high school volunteers. If you'd like more information click the website link:
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