Higher Education - Poznań, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
The PUMS English Programs' Student Union represents, enriches and entertains English Program Students at Poznan University of Medical Sciences, otherwise known as Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu. It is a platform which brings all student organisations, groups and clubs together on the basis of unity and cooperation, which forms a hub of activities that enrich the student experience in Poznan. After its re-establishement in April 2018, it has directly served as a link between the University and the Student Body by means of its ‘Class Representative Council' (CRC), which consists of the elected Class Representatives of each class within each program. This therefore allows EPSU to deeply influence decisions which impact the quality of the student experience at PUMS, whether it be academic, or socio-economic.The Union Executive Board consists of a Chairman, the Presidents of 15 different Student Organisations, the Chairman of the CRC, and Club Coordinator. It is closely monitored by a Trustee Board that seeks to ensure there are no infringement of student rights, and that the organisation remains open and transport in its activities.