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Vision: To evolve a business approach, which sparks a reinvention movement, to create win-win situations for people, our planet and those who courageously lead the way.\\Shared Higher Impactful Purpose (SHIP): To Reinvent Business and Transform Lives Globally\\Focus: The individuals who champion transformation. We provide education, resources, research, marketing support and connections to become a more enlightened capitalist first and then to take what they've learned and incorporate the principles into organizations and communities. \\What we do: We reinvent businesses to demonstrate sustainability, relevance, attractiveness, meaningfulness, profitability and purposefulness \\We provide Support, Education and Advocacy\\Support happens from within the community with mentors, sponsors, and people who share their stories and insights. Support also happens from us in the form of the community platform as well as consultancy services, workshops, corporate training and at events.\\Education is delivered online and in person to the Guild (for those starting something new); the Advocates (for those who are experienced and want to transform business); and the League (for those who have succeeded in incorporating the concepts and principles).\\Advocacy happens within the community with members shining the spotlight on each other and, with us using the Enlightened Capitalist Magazine, Podcast, Books, Store, Web Channel, "TV" Show, Awards Ceremony and at our events.\\If this sounds like your business and what you want for it, please contact us to learn the wise practices to achieve the desired outcomes to celebrate serving as an Enlightened Capitalist. \\To get involved go to
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