Market Research - N/A, N/A, US focuses on the scourge of African enslavement and its global reach. has 5 key objectives: People: Build an interconnected system of services and tools that would (1) Allow individuals involved in the slave trade to be identified and recognized across all participating project databases; Allow those identified and recognized individuals to be searched, and explored and visualized in (2) Use Linked Open Data (LOD) approach to facilitate federated searching and browsing across all linked project data on the Hub; it also creates a network and community framework that supports the preservation of current and future slave data projects. (3) Develop and disseminate best practices for data collection, metadata standards, ontologies, and workflows; and to provide guidance for participating in the Hub. (4) Foster scholarly recognition through peer review to give credit to humanists for depositing data, for digital humanists for developing digital projects, and for public institutions that are rarely rewarded for their hard work in serving their publics. (5) Enhance preservation and sustainability by providing a space for preservation of datasets as well as both to help identify projects in danger of going offline and to develop a wide community to support and expertise. The team is split between Matrix: Center for Digital Humanities & Social Sciences, Michigan State University and the College of Arts and Humanities, University of Maryland. is grateful for the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
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