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EHSRC Center Mission To continually advance knowledge and awareness of environmental health science that improves quality of life among rural and agricultural populations. The focus of the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center (EHSRC) is research on the adverse health effects of environmental contaminants among rural and agricultural populations. The EHSRC is uniquely positioned to investigate environmental health problems affecting rural residents. The EHSRC is the only NIEHS environmental health center located within the agricultural heartland and rural ranching areas that include the 15 states of Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho. It is also one of three centers that address environmental exposures affecting rural residents and one of the few centers with a major emphasis on population-based research.Our Center is at the forefront of research on rural environmental health problems such as pesticide-induced cancers and birth defects, community and occupational exposures to airborne hazards from concentrated livestock operations, asthma among rural children, and remediation of rural hazardous waste sites. Our research and educational focus on rural environmental health problems also provides an excellent environment to train promising scientists to characterize mechanisms underlying environmental disease and approaches to their prevention.