Government Administration - Lilongwe, Central Region, Malawi
EQUALS is a 6-year Project under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, supported by the World Bank through an IDA credit of US$90million to improve quality of Science and Mathematics instruction in Community Day Secondary School's (CDSS's) and increase access to Secondary education in selected remote areas. Project implementation is in three Components;Component 1. Improving the quality of science and mathematics instruction - The Project delivers minimum standards for effective instruction of Science and Mathematics subjects to all Community Day Secondary Schools.Component 2. Enhancing equitable access to secondary education -This component supports the Government to institute a sustainable 10-year Secondary education expansion plan grounded on equity and efficiency enhancing policy reforms; revival of school health and hygiene promotion along with school related gender-based violence (SRGBV) mitigation measures; and optimal use of existing school spaces in the selected 13 remote districts. This is in line with the Government's strategy of increasing access to, and equity of secondary education. Component 3. Project Coordination, Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation - Key intervention areas include;a) Capacity enhancement for implementation support. Includes recruitment of additional technical staff to support project implementation complemented by provision of logistical support to facilitate their functioning. Support knowledge and skills updating (through short-term training programs and workshops) for Government personnel in policy and management of Secondary education systems and schools arising from the need to fill staff skill gaps due to evolution of Government policies on education and enhanced performance on the job.b) Strengthening data and information systems data collection, reporting, process monitoring and utilization processes at various end-user points for effective policy dialogue.