Civic & Social Organization - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
The private Fundació Espai Català de Cultura i Comunicació (Escacc) was founded in December 2003 on the initiative of professionals from the world of culture and communications and has a clear civic vocation. It works with the objective of contributing to the development of the Catalan cultural and media industry. It fosters projects and activities in the field of innovation, strategy and training among the companies and agents in the sector. It also argues for a strong, modern, creative and independent media system, capable of overcoming the current paradigm dominated by corporations that are not working in the interests of the Catalan language or culture.Escacc was responsible for the conception and later implementation of the Communications and Culture Barometer, a permanent observatory of the media and cultural industries in the Catalan-speaking markets, the most ambitious, rigorous and painstaking instrument available to date. To manage the Barometer, Escacc fostered the creation of the Fundació Audiències de la Comunicació i la Cultura (Fundacc), with an expert and specific board of trustees formed by the main agents in the sector: the media, communications groups, media agencies, advertisers, public institutions and academics.
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