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元航资本(Essential Capital)成立于2015年7月(中国证券投资基金业协会备案编码:P1023724),是一家专注于深科技领域投资的技术风险投资基金。公司核心管理团队由具有多年风险投资经验的资深投资人、行业专家、IT技术专家和成功的企业家组成。团队多数成员具有北京航空航天大学背景,在互联网/移动互联网、新兴科技和工业领域平均拥有15年以上的天使、VC、并购/IPO经验以及深厚的专业技术研发和企业管理经验。同时,公司还建立了一支由来自于国内顶尖高校,国家级研究机构和大型的高科技企业的一流专家学者组成的顾问团队。元航资本投资方向聚焦于国家新一代创新战略下的新兴产业。重点关注在基础研究和高技术研究领域的原始创新技术和国家级重要科研成果转化技术。主要投资领域包括航空航天、泛智能、工业互联网、高端医疗科技(创新药、高端医疗器械、AI医疗)、高端装备制造/智能制造、新一代信息技术、新材料等创新性高科技产业。投资对象为具有市场潜力的原创性、高科技、高成长性的技术驱动的创新型企业。并在这些领域和赛道成功的投资了一批优质企业。 元航资本秉承"技术驱动型+产业链投资+投资生态布局"的投资策略。通过产业链投资构建上下游产业生态筑建元航系投资组合的整体竞争壁垒,加强投资组合间的产业协同。通过全方位的投后增值服务最大化提升投资收益。Beijing Essential Investment & Management Co., Ltd. ( Essential Capital ) is a professional venture capital fund management institution, registered with Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) with code P1023724. Essential Capital was established in July 2015, engaged in venture investment and management of entrusted equity investment funds. Our founders consist of experienced investment experts, industry and IT technology specialists, successful entrepreneurs. Most team members were graduated from Beihang University. The team has over 15 years of experience in investment in the various stages from angel, to PE/VC, to M&A/IPO, and is specialized in technology and enterprise management. Besides, the firm has external consultant teams of scholars from top universities, research institutes, and high-tech companies.Essential Capital focuses on deep technology areas, especially in emerging high-tech industries in line with national innovation strategies including artificial intelligence, industrial internet, medical technology, commercial aeronautics and astronautics,new generation information technology, new materials and high-end equipment manufacturing. Our funds mainly invest technology-driven startups with big market potential and high growth, some of them have been proved being excellent in their areas.
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