Machinery - Bursa, Bursa, Turkey
DESIGNDesign is the key element for a system planning. ETIS team is composed of experienced professionals for project design and implementation.Understanding the customer requirements is the key factor for the design phase, for this purpose starting from the beginning ETIS establishes strong communication links between the project stakeholders line process suppliers, sub-contractors and the customer. Know-Why > Know-HowMANUFACTURINGExperienced quality handcraftsmentship together with latest technology emachinery is utilized for ETIS manufacturing.SUPPLYETIS is strong with its solution partners. As the project deliverer, it is our duty to propose optimum quality/cost solutions to our customers regarding the supportive equipments and sub-systems.INSTALLATION & START-UPThanks to establishing the coordination between the project stakeholders, from sub-contractors up to the customer level, the systems are delivered running on time.AUTOMATIONThanks to its flexibility, the control software is developed according to the customer specific requirements. Latest technology is employed with cable-free communication and data transfer systems and provides a user friendly interface with parameters past data storage. Production planning and monitoring is established by integration to the existing ERP system.
Google Font API
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Bootstrap Framework