Oil & Energy - , ,
ETRMS provides Openlink end user Organizations with a single point of contact with the expertise to deliver targeted and cost effective change and support of day to day operations. In the ETRM space many users will spend time and money in an effort to "survive" without attempting to fully utilise the application for which they have paid top dollar. Indeed many of the organisations achieve relative stability during periods of low environmental turbulence and little sustained demand for resources. However, virtually none of these conditions prevail in the modern business world for great lengths of time for any organization within the energy & banking sectors. Hence, the rationale for a strategic partner such as ERTMS that can provide a "boutique" managed service targeted specifically at the organisations needs and culture. The nature of the strategy that we adopt and implement in co-operation with the clients emerges from a combination of the structure of the organization (loosely coupled or tightly coupled), the type of resources available and with the final aim of putting in place a long term sustainable application & business process that sticks, rather than a long term consulting contract.
Amazon AWS