International Trade & Development - Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
The EU-China Business Association (EUCBA) is the EU-wide federation of national non-profit business organisations in the European Union with specialization and particular expertise in exchange of knowledge on investments and trade with China. Members of the EUCBA are national organisations in European Union countries promoting business relations between European enterprises, institutions and their Chinese counterparts. At current, EUCBA unites 20 members in 20 countries representing more than 20,000 companies - large, medium, and small, in all branches of industry, commerce and the service sector. The EUCBA supports the China business interests of its members and acts as a channel of communication with the European Commission on EU-China economic and trade related issues. It also maintains a relationship with official Chinese representatives in Brussels and the EU Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC). Additionally, the EUCBA adds value to the work of its members by presenting a European dimension to individual EU countries' business relationship with China. EUCBA's Main Objectives:- facilitate exchange and experience among its member organisations and assist the promotion of common objectives on the Chinese market; - organise events at European level to promote its members' China business interest, complementing events that take place at a national level; co-ordinate visits of Chinese delegations to EU members states and set up or participate in initiatives strengthening the European identity in business relations with China; - organise visits and missions to China providing increased impact through the European scope of the activity;- provide a mechanism for EUCBA members to engage in close cooperation with the EU Commission and specific European organisations to learn more about EU activities relating to China, as well as to deliver support to its members and promote growth of EU-China business.Follow us on Twitter: @EUChinaBA
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