Management Consulting - Belgrade, , Serbia
EU Projects is a consultancy company providing project management and international development consultancy services at national and international donor funded projects. EU Projects currently focuses to provide technical consultancy services on major funding agencies such as EU, EBRD, USAID, ADB and WB. It has considerable experience in the Balkans, Middle East and Central Asia. The agency was established in Serbia back in 2013. by a group of experienced international aid workers and consultants. It is a the largest training agency in the Western Balkans in the field of EU project preparation (49 training sessions and lectures held)It hosts the largest online community in the Western Balkans in the EU affairs with over 50,000 members in 2017. ( )EU Projects works in diverse sectors, including employment, education, private sector development, communication & PR, public administration reform, human rights, fund management, agriculture and rural development, and other related fields. With our in-house experts and trusted international and local experts, we guarantee high quality and sustainable service delivery to our clients.