Biotechnology - , Florida, United States
EuGrow is your neighborhood grocery store and your own slice of the farm that supplies it. Our technology and designs have strategic advantages over other commercial food growing system equivalents. Grow a lot of food in your home with our EuGrow cabinet with an average of 5 minutes a day of attention. No need for a green thumb, your system can tell you what it needs our expert level guidance software systems. Harvest is picked up at your door step. Until your next harvest, you receive a weekly food box filled with your choice of the foods grown and made in your community.To keep up with our developments and releases sign up for the newsletter at Consider becoming a beta tester if you live in the Tampa Bay area, the newsletter will be the community node to coordinate until the app is up and running. Go to and sign up for our newsletter to learn about our upcoming development trial in which beta testers can grow and earn from 100's of pounds of food using distributed agriculture in their own homes. Eat healthy. Make money. Feed your community.