Design - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
EuMo is a multi-disciplinary design office, located in South Mumbai. We draw motivation from our name, which ensures that we work towards every project until we have a conceptual ‘eureka moment', which is what truly sets us apart."At EuMo, we celebrate versatility. We have thrownsingle competency out of the window to embrace integrateddiversity, offering our clients prolific expertise and skills underone single roof." - Shanoo Bhatia, Founder Director"We believe that each brief is born with its own destiny.We don't push every new project into a standard regimentedprocess; our thought process is lateral and responsive to individualclient requirements." - Ratan J Batliboi, Founder Director"Defined by our differences, our enviable talent pool shares incommon an obsession for perfection and an uncanny insight into individual crafts." - Harkaran Singh Grewal, Founder Director
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