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We conceive, create, architect and launch compelling web and mobile applications, our services are cost effective and our output is quality focused and we partner with you to surmount obstacles and challenges.Are you an interactive agency? Has your firm been burned by another outsourcing provider in the past? Didn't get the results you expected? We can help!An offshoring production strategy should be carefully considered to ensure a seamless transition and to avoid pitfalls that can snare the unwary and unprepared.To begin with: All outsourcing should be a calculated move rather than a quick-fix to solve an urgent capacity or resource issue.While many production and some design activities can happen offshore, we recommend that conception and design remain with your in-house creative team. Reducing your production costs over the long term through offshoring is recommended only if you are certain that your strategic and creative delivery will not be compromised.Second: Fast, efficient and reliable communication is essential for a successful offshoring has created a work-flow process that has a nine-year proven track-record and is used as a mandatory tool throughout our production environment. Our intuitive online production management tool is offered free of charge to all agency partners, allowing you to follow the production process from inception to completion.Finally: Involve the it team early and often, just as you would any in-house production department.In addition to creative input, we need to understand your client's marketing strategy and brand execution to be successful and to add the most value. You will be pleasantly surprised at how collaboratively and efficiently the it team works.Frankly, we understand the ins and outs of outsourcing as well as the interactive business. We'd like to get to know more about you and your business, too. Contact us today!