Information Services - Almería, Andalusia, Spain
The European Documentation Centre (EDC) of the University of Almeria is integrated since 2014 into the EDC Network of the European Union and since then acts as an informative center for community documentation. It is also part of the European Direct Network of the European Commission and the European Information Network of Andalusia (RIEA).The EDC of Almería provides the university community and the public, with access to information and community documentation thanks to its extensive digital collection, the collection of multimedia documents and easy access to the main agencies and institutions of the European Union. The informative activity and the support to the formation and investigation on the process of European integration is strengthened by the publication of specific bulletins on the main policies of the EU, as well as by the organization of training activities such as courses and conferences.Currently, the EDC of Almería is located on the second floor of the PITA building on the university campus, where we offer our users a schedule of advice and consultation of documents edited by the EU in paper and digital format from 8.00 to 15.30 p.m. Our institutional email also provides teachers, students, public and private organizations with any questions regarding the services we provide.The European Documentation Centres are a basic resource for information about the European Union, its main objective being to support research and the dissemination of European policies between the university community and citizens.