Automotive - Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom
Evans Waterless Engine Coolants UK manufacture a synthetic cooling solution that was invented in the U.S over 20 years ago.Since Evans WEC were first patented in 2001 more than 1.5M engines have been successfully converted worldwide. More recently several armed forces, including the MoD have been converting to Evans. Following a two year trial in their Polaris Quads, a branch of the MoD have now converted all their rapid response vehicles to Evans Waterless Engine Coolants.Users and advocates of Evans include many world renowned specialists such as Noble, Eagle E-Types, JD Classics, Aston Engineering, Beaulieu Museum, Honda Racing, Kubota, Optare and the Historic Porsche Collection to name a few.We also have the majority of the top riders and teams in MXGP and MX2 which include Honda, Husqvarna, Yamaha, KTM, Sherco, TM, Kawasaki and also Polaris in their Quads and ATV's.Why use Evans Waterless Engine Coolants: Water is an excellent fluid for cooling as long as it remains in a liquid state, but when water turns to steam it has virtually no capacity for heat transfer. Evans Waterless Coolant is a superior fluid for transferring heat in engines because it remains in a liquid state until above 375°F—well above the operating temperature of an engine.Within an engine cooling system, the hottest surfaces are those adjacent to the combustion chamber, specifically the cylinder liners and cylinder head. These hot spots cause water to vaporize, preventing efficient cooling and causing loss of performance and unnecessary engine damage. When the coolant fails in this way the engine becomes even hotter, causing more hot spots and more steam.Evans Waterless Coolants will not boil around these engine hotspots, maintaining efficient cooling performance even when the engine is put under extreme conditions. When water turns to steam it pressurizes the cooling system, putting stress on hoses and other components. The significantly higher boiling point of Evans coolants means significantly less pressure than water, resulting in a less stressed cooling system.Water contains oxygen, which causes corrosion and also allows electrolytic activity which further damages engine metals. Evans Waterless Coolants eliminate corrosion and electrolytic activity, significantly increasing the life of the engine.
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