Hospital & Health Care - , ,
Everest Health Counsel, LLC (EHC) provides a patient-centered, partner-driven, growth-focused, and innovation-oriented approach to mental health care. EHC serves as a culturally competent advocate for those with mental illnesses, offering:1) Rapid comprehensive psychiatric services, ready to respond to emergencies,2) Collaborative partnerships with the client for efficient use of management staff,3) Effective management of patient-centered mental health services, with the goal of fostering independenceEverest Health Counsel seeks and attracts top-notch professionals who excel in their work and thrive on breaking new ground, working outside the box, collaboration, and the opportunity to rewrite the way mental health care is delivered in Maryland one clients at a time. We work with non-clinical provider agencies and provide clinical services at their agency's location. Everest Health Counsel main office is in Baltimore, however, services are performed at agency location in Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County.