Information Technology & Services - Boulder, Colorado, United States
Everlater helps travelers record, share and discover travel experiences through custom online travel journals. Members map out their experiences, tell stories, show photos, play videos and record favorite restaurants and hotels. Each member and trip has a unique URL that can easily be shared with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Everlater members can upload experiences directly to Everlater or the site can pull items in from external services such as Flickr. There is also an iPhone app that enables offline recording of travel experiences which can be synchronized and shared later. Everlater will also allow members to share their travel experiences offline by generating and sending postcards, printing scrapbooks, and photo albums in the near future.Everlater also has a partner program which can give travel journal technology to partner's audiences. For more information, please contact Everlater at partners@everlater.comWhats in the name? Everlater is an anagram of eTraveler.
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