Retail - Aarhus, Region Midtjylland, Denmark
MORE THAN 20 YEARS IN THE BEDDING INDUSTRYEverRest manufactures pillows, toppers and mattresses in high quality memory foam. Our products are sold under various brands such as EverRest, MyRest, WELLPUR (JYSK private label), etc. For more than 20 years we have been in the bedding industry which has resulted in a long and extensive collaboration with multinational bedding retailers. Furthermore, our products are being sold in more than 50 countries - and the number keep growing.QUALITY IN ALL THE DETAILSEverRest is rooted in Danish Design and has for more than 20 years designed and developed sleeping products combining leading foam and fabric technologies with Scandinavian design traditions.Based on our Scandinavian heritage, we have developed a set of competencies which we deliver with attention to quality in all the details.YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON OUR PRODUCTS & KNOWLEDGEWe know that your success depends on our ability to deliver competitive products at competitive prices and our knowledge around how to build and drive a complete product portfolio to maximize profits. We know all the theories but more importantly we practice and fine tune our skills every day!
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