E-learning - , ,
Everywhere learning provides flexible individualised learning opportunities which are not constrained by time, date, duration and location: Everywhere Learning!Three things are required for an Everywhere Learning approach:1. An establishment – an accessible learning environment 2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers, staff and learners 3. Sustainability and accessibility Establishment – Delivery is predominantly online with face-to-face and recorded workshops and tutorials, providing a truly blended approach. Contemporary Technology Enhanced Learning approaches enables learning content to be available on any form of electronic communication device to facilitate Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) style delivery. CPD - Institutions across the world are exploring education as a business in the new learning paradigm. Educational strategies to embrace these changes are required to focus on the need for cultural adaptation and development. For teachers, adapting pedagogy to meet the demands of a changing world means they require new skills in content creation and instructional design. The need for high quality, flexible, accessible CPD is essential for all in order to effectively utilise Technology Enhanced Learning. Consultancy within the industry will be a natural extension of our CPD programmes. Sustainability and accessibility – Everywhere Learning have an ethos of sustainability. This will primarily be through extending the life of existing hardware by utilising Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The use of FOSS will underpin the ethos of accessibility by minimising barriers to learning, reducing the digital divide. FOSS is becoming an increasingly popular and is used by businesses and governments around the world as a secure and reliable delivery approach. Everywhere Learning will promote the use of FOSS at every opportunity to reduce environmental waste and to help make eLearning accessible for everyone.