Religious Institutions - Clark, Missouri, United States
Evident Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry serving the local church in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico through cross-cultural short-term mission opportunities, team ministry, evangelism and discipleship.MISSION STATEMENT:Reach the lost, Promote THE message of Hope, Teach discipleship and evangelism, and Challenge believers with the cause of missions, with a priority to Resource the local church in those efforts.PURPOSE :Reach out to the lost specifically with the glorious and saving Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through every possible scriptural means among any people as determined by its Board of DirectorsPromote among His people the salvation of souls, the Hope which is in Him, and the Truth and Promise of His Word.Teach Christians how to grow in Christ, as His witnesses.Challenge Christian believers with the cause of missions, both foreign and domestic, and the making of disciples, providing them with opportunities to conduct ministry and missionary efforts.Resource the local church to "be my witnesses" (Acts 1:8) and in "making disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19).
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