E-learning - Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay
Virtual capacity building project in e-commerce and e-government addressed to entrepreneurs and public officers of the Mercosur countries.This 2,4 million Euros program was financed by the European Union and Mercosur within the Mercosur Digital framework contract and was awarded through international tender to the consortium led by CEDDET and integrated by GIZ, CESAR, FUNIBER and ILCE. The Virtual School of Mercosur (EVM - Escuela Virtual del Mercosur / Escola Virtual do Mercosul) was a bilingual project that exceeded by far all the indicators defined in the logical framework (18 institutional partners, 2,700 participants in training activities, 71% certificates, 92% participant's satisfaction and 25,000 followers in networks) and successfully delivered to the contracting body, the National Research Network (RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) of Brazil in December 2013.