Insurance - Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Our business model is to make millions....... of people smile It's time for the insurance broker model to evolve. We'll be honest, we're not in this game to make money. We are in this game because there IS a lot of money in it that can be used for a greater purpose. That greater purpose is the vision of Evolve - To help people and to serve Humanity. We intend to make a difference in the community before making a difference to our profits. We will be giving away a significant amount of our profit with every interaction we have with those looking for good solid personal insurance advice. Alongside our business of Evolve, we have The Evolve Foundation. This foundation was created to go forth and make the world a better place. The Evolve business makes regular contributions to the foundation from the profit it makes. If you want to find out more please visit our website,, where you will find more information about Evolves business model and our promise.