Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
Evolving Arts mission is to encourage youth ages eleven to eighteen to develop their creative potential through the Arts. We provide an environment in which children can feel free to imagine, create and welcome the Arts into their Lives. Evolving Arts provides a Professional work environment that is challenging, Rewarding, Creative and Respectful of ideas of individuals. We want to inspire pro social Friendships, Strong Interpersonal skills and instill a sense of Hope in the future. We at Evolving Arts would also like to empower youth and individuals in establishing Goals in Life and following through on commitments; Most of all surround Youth in a caring inclusive learning environment in the arts.Evolving Arts is a Arts after school mentoring program with Five core programs such as Dance , Music , Fashion , Film and Art. Evolving Arts offers youth that have already been identified as at-risk, an opportunity to work with a caring mentor to improve their ability to develop a positive attitude towards their future in the Arts. The long-term goal of Evolving Arts empower the young person to break the habits that are leading to trouble in school and in the streets and Give them the opportunity to broaden their minds and enjoy different activates, Each program consist of academic understanding before Hands on experience in the Arts.