Legal/Attorney - New York, NY, US
eXacta is a recruiting firm specializing in legal and business crossover roles for attorneys, spanning from in-house to BigLaw, and everything in between. eXacta’s model is simple: treat attorneys and employers with integrity. For attorneys, we add value to the attorney’s career trajectory. For businesses and firms of all sizes in search of the best legal talent, we provide the perfect match. At eXacta, we treat your search with consideration and confidentiality, whether you’re a BigLaw recruiter, a first year associate, or a Counsel on the brink of partnership or a business promotion to the C-suite. We provide in-depth market analysis to our seekers, and best-in-class trajectory maximization. We custom-tailor every search, so we believe in the opportunities we present. Our approach is simple: pull good people to good opportunities— without ever being pushy. For qualifying candidates working eXclusively with eXacta, we offer career concierge services with extensive benefits. Request an invitation through our onyX portal. It’s your career. It’s your practice. We’re here to help you grow stronger, in the smartest way possible.
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