Program Development - Oberwil, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland
A young, Basel (CH) seated, Startup, focusing on the Gaming Branch.Our main purpose is to develop and distribute the Platform, called ExaQueue.ExaQueue, the first decentralized social network 2.0 (!) of the gaming ecosystem. A software, offering the social network for every gamer's SuGOI (Superior Gaming/Online-Identity) plus actual content. The 2.0 suggests a revolution, making the users to the content creators by offering the infrastructure to manage friends, groups, and communities, expanding them, creating content on a heavily select-able way and organizing tournaments. Supported by Computer Vision and Social Algorithm this software shall do more than just displaying a list - compared to other related alternative software's in that area.Further, with the base of a connecting, creating, competing, and publishing community (on a C2C basis) we want to establish the first decentralized virtual advertising space marketplace to securely allow game developers, content-creators, and tournament organizers renting, selling or buying virtual space for own advertising, tailored for the particular user in a well-known and valued environment. This shall help to create a whole new source of revenue for game developers and allowing virtual reality games to achieve their required level of development for reaching the vast majority. Only by combining all of these three aspects of ExaQueue gamers actually can find their teammate, manage their team, participate in tournaments and advertise their competitions in one space, making ExaQueue to the best synergizing software in the gaming-branch. Shorten, the pivot and focal point of the gaming ecosystem.