Food Production - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Exoria is a grapefruit liqueur from aroma made from one of the world's best rosé grapefruits from The United States, enriched with hints of caramel. The grapefruit is distilled in such a way that with the addition of the hints of caramel it brings the taste to a unique dimension. A mildly sweet bitter taste that results in the perfect balance of an 18% liqueur.Why the liqueur of love?During a trip to Paris with his loved ones, the creator was looking for a liqueur that suits the moment instead of a champagne or wine. No romantic liqueur, just champagne or wine. And they indicated that they have often received such a request for a specific liqueur.This gave rise to the idea of creating a liqueur that has such a taste that you can spend moments unnoticed with oneself or loved ones while drinking. Because the idea originated in the city of love Paris, Exoria has been referred to the liqueur of love.
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