Management Consulting - Alberton, Gauteng, South Africa
Expansive Me, a division of GBDx3. It is about thoughtful leadership through personal development, by raising consciousness.Our main purpose is for you to move from a contracted space to an expansive space. To move toward a better state by increasing harmony in the person or the business. EXPANSIVE ME is all about taking a journey with the client through the layers of your personal conscious/system, collective conscious/system and the Spirit mind and discovering where it gives you wings and where they don't. Then working through the layers to clear them so that they can be in their expansive self. We make use of several modalities from Systemic Coaching, Systemic Constellations, Access Consciousness, Axis Coaching, and several different healing modalities. EXPANSIVE ME assist you to get clarity on the way forward, for yourself and you business by navigating decisions, opportunity, change, challenges and conflicts. What will show you that their is work needed: Difficult BehaviourLack of ClarityLack of FocusDysfunctional TeamsStucknessRepeating PatternsConflictDifficulty in Occupying a role