Facilities Services - Lima, Lima, Peru
Explorock is a peruvian professional consultant aimed to the teaching of training courses and mapping in terms of cutting edge geological work. Planning our business to the main core of field work that shall be applied on or get along with engineering projects. Through surveys on rock outcrops for its description and classification. Such as normally happens in the exploration of economic and non-economic resources by the use of the major geological bailiwicks (petrology, stratigraphy and tectonics). Which in turn are linked to modern geological hazards and environment.\\Besides, we are also focused in pure geology in order to give a general or specialized knowledge. For the first, we mainly encourage our forces to the instruction of software courses that allow the presentation of accurate cartographic data with which geologists can handle in all the levels of their projects. By specialized knowledge we refer to our concern of field mapping since it comprehends a highly-demanded art that leads to the key of Earth' structure under any circumstance. Being one of our immediate products because geologists must have hardheaded tools for a pragmatic and whole training. So that we hand out to our clients an advantage in lithological and structural mapping.