Hospital/Clinic - Cary, NC, US
Extension Of You Home Care is dedicated to providing the absolute best possible care for you and your loved ones. We believe that everyone should be treated with compassion and dignity, and that you should never have to compromise quality of care. We embrace our clients as family and consider sharing their journey our calling. Our quality assurance program ensures that clients receive appropriate, consistent, and reliable care.We serve the Triangle, NC area.Give us a call today for a free Assessment: 919.629.2044We can help with:* Laundry* Companionship* Bathing and Dressing* Bathroom tasks* Light Housekeeping* Transportation to Appointments and shopping* Assistance with shopping* Medication reminders* Meal preparation* TransfersLife Began.Together we grew.Life got busy. We grew some more.New arrivals came. Loved ones aged.Leaving today's families with a problem.As we've grown and gotten busier, time and spacehave become a great barrier for today's families.Which brought us to this one burning question:If love is timeless, why haven't the standards for caringfor our loved ones remained just as timeless?We exist to eliminate that barrier.To be an extension of you.For those you love.And who love you.
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