Photography - , ,
eye·ful - noun.1. A complete view.2. Sufficient observation to discover more than one had expected or enough to be·tractive·ness - noun.1. Having the power to attract.2. To be pleasing to the eye or mind; charming.Eye·ness - noun.1. A complete view that has the power to attract.2. Sufficient observation to discover more than one had expected that is pleasing to the eye or mind.see also:affability, agreeableness, allure, allurement, amiability, appeal, attention, attraction, beauty, bewitchery, captivatingness, charisma, charity, charm, charmingness, chemistry, delightfulness, desirability, draw, drawing power, enchantment, engagingness, enjoyableness, fascination, gallantry, geniality, gentility, glamour, grace, hypnotism, influence, interestingness, lure, magic, magic, magnetism, mesmerism, mildness, pizzazz, pleasantness, pleasingness, power, pull, refinement, seductiveness, star quality.If you have a lot to say and you need a vehicle, take a look at the Eyeness Cards below. I have put some of my favorite photographs onto cards and left the inside blank so you can put your favorite words there.