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Facing the Dragon is a husband and wife owned company that was founded in 2005 for the purpose of preventing methamphetamine use among school students. The company's mission has expanded to include education of law enforcement, medical professionals, social workers, parents, and communities about the dangers of meth while paying special attention to the plight of drug endangered children. Recently we have included bullying and suicide prevention programs.David Parnell, nationally known speaker, consultant, and author, is a methamphetamine a suicide survivor. Upon suriviving a self-inflcted gunshot to the face while under the influence of meth and other drugs, David decided to make the most of his second chance by warning others of the dangers of drugs. He began by speaking at local rehabs, churches, and schools. Eventually media outlets began following David's travels, more schools and other agencies began calling and Facing the Dragon was born. Now, David delivers hundreds of presentations per year across the United States and internationally. He has been featured in world-wide media and has participated in many drug prevention endeavors. His first book "Facing the Dragon - How a Desperate Act Pulled One Addct out of Methamphetamine Hell" was released on Dec. 1, 2010.Amy Parnell is the power behind the scenes. Amy's duties include: marketing and promotion, scheduling, all clerical duties, finance, and the development of new presentations.
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