Management Consulting - Musselburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
We are looking to Partner with and help Businesses and Business Owners by bringing, systems, procedures, simple reporting, financial awareness, experience, building your teams so the business run themselves and whilst doing so ensuring you have a happy balanced life.We can join you as equity shareholders or you can hire us on a fee basis.Reach out today on = Are you looking after yourself? Do you eat correctly and do varied exercise regularly? Are you getting outside in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes every day?RELATIONSHIPS = Are you spending quality time with family and friends or is your mind at work? Do you know details about your neighbours, friends and employees? For example, whose kid is playing high level football or what neighbour sits in on their own at the weekends and would love to be invited over for dinner or handed in a plate? Do you take time to appreciate and let your family know you care?MIND = Are you an expert in your field? Do you read books or listen to books about your field? Do you listen to podcasts, watch YouTube clips, attend seminars to help increase your knowledge? Do you read every day at least 10 pages? BUSINESS = Do you love every day at work? Are you growing at the pace you want? Do you know your numbers? Are you building your business, so it works without you? Do you have an exit plan to enjoy the fruits of your labour?
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