E-learning - Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Falkor™ is a learning experience platform to author and distribute content to an app. Falkor pushes the boundaries to go beyond traditional e-learning by making use of elegant technology.Author, publish & track on the same platform.Falkor can be used for: onboarding & induction, compliance training, tech training, brand education, product knowledge, customer service excellence, skills development, and beyond.AUTHORFalkor's authoring editor can be used to create a learning journey – a Story. Pre-designed template pages make your content look good across devices. You can keep it simple or create cool interactions.PUBLISHEvery customer gets their own, branded Falkor app to which Stories can be published. No Learning Management System (LMS) needed. TRACK INSIGHTSGain detailed insights from users who download and open your Stories. Track all sorts of fun things – from leaderboards and scores to real-time, comments, interactions & demographics.Falkor is built by a team of ever-inspired people at Everyday Digital.
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