- Brescia, Lombardia, Italy
Let's envision a future together! FARO S.r.l. was founded in 1992 as a subsidiary of OMB SALERI SPA. FARO S.r.l. is a company in constant evolution that has consolidated its experience in the national and international markets and it is able to offer a wide range pipes and accessories (such as safety valves, fittings, connections etc.) for many different fields of application and with special attention to the automotive camping/caravan and the domestic sectors. Its products are specifically studied to fulfill the qualitative and safety requirements of the market and are guaranteed by the many specific certifications obtained. The company, investing in technological innovation and the development of a diversified range of products is able to offer to its customers a fast, flexible and professional service. Another distinguishing feature is the importance that FARO S.r.l. has always given to offering to its customers a highly specialized technical and commercial support.
Cloudflare DNS
Microsoft Office 365
CloudFlare Hosting